Selling an accident car: An unexpected end and the road after

Selling an accident car: An unexpected end 
and the road after

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A traffic accident is a shock that no one wants to experience. The pulse is racing, thoughts are circling and suddenly the frightening question arises: How do we proceed? Especially if the beloved car bears visible damage or is no longer able to drive. In this blog post, we want to highlight the opportunities that arise after such an accident – and why selling the accident car is often a worth considering option.

The shock after the accident: First steps

After an accident, the first thought is often not about the car, but about your own safety and that of the others involved. As soon as it is ensured that no person is injured, the vehicle is inspected. The following should always be taken into account:

  • Police and insurance: In case of significant damage or in case of uncertainty about the course of the accident, the police should be consulted. Regardless of this, it is important to report the accident to your own insurance company, even if you are not the cause of the accident.

Is there any way to save the car?

Much depends on the severity of the accident. In the case of minor sheet metal damage, the answer may be clear, but in the case of severe deformations or technical defects after the crash, it becomes more complicated:

  • Workshop appraisal: An expert opinion is worth gold. A workshop can estimate which repairs are needed and how much they will cost.
  • Total economic damage: This term is often used when the repair costs exceed the residual value of the vehicle. In such cases, experts often advise against a repair.

Insurance – friend or foe?

After an accident, insurance is usually brought into play:

  • Full insurance: With full insurance, self-inflicted damages to your own car are also covered.
  • Partial damage: It covers certain damages such as fire, theft or wild accidents, but not damage to your own car caused by a self-inflicted accident.
  • No hull: If you only have liability insurance, you will not be reimbursed for damage to your own car, unless the accident was caused by someone else.

But even if the insurance company pays, you often have to expect an upgrade and thus higher premiums in the coming years.

Selling an accident car – a sensible option?

Selling the accident car can be attractive for a number of reasons:

  • Liquidity: Instead of spending money on a potentially expensive repair, selling the car provides immediate financial resources.
  • Worry-free selling: Selling an accident car can be complicated as private buyers are often skeptical. This is where comes into play. As an expert in the purchase of accident vehicles, they offer an uncomplicated and fair process.


An accident is always an unpleasant event, and the time after it is often marked by uncertainty. But there are ways to limit the financial damage and to take new paths. Selling the accident car, especially with partners such as, can be an attractive solution.


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