Sell your registered car safely: Your guide to a hassle-free sale

Sell your registered car safely: 
Your guide to a hassle-free sale

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Selling your car privately can come with risks and scams, and the last thing you want is to fall victim to a rogue car buyer. But don't worry, if you want to sell your car, there is a reliable solution that will protect your interests.

Can I sell my car registered?

In principle, you are free to sell a registered car. In Germany, however, there is a legal requirement that the sale of the vehicle must be reported immediately to the relevant registration office.

But what you should know is that selling a registered car has advantages and disadvantages.

One advantage is that you can usually sell a registered car more quickly, as it does not have to be deregistered and removed while it is still registered for road use. For many potential private buyers, the possibility of a test drive is a decisive criterion. This is possible with registered cars, in contrast to deregistered vehicles. This increases the attractiveness of your offer if you want to sell a registered car.

Selling a deregistered car is often more difficult. Many private buyers shy away from the effort, costs and uncertainties associated with buying a deregistered car. They often do not have the necessary papers and short-term license plates to easily remove and re-register the car. This is why many buyers only look for registered cars. This means that the circle of potential private buyers is smaller if you want to sell a registered car.

What do I need to look out for if I want to sell my car registered?

Before you decide to sell your registered car, you should make sure that all vehicle documents are complete and in good condition. This includes, in particular, the registration certificates Part I and II (vehicle registration document and vehicle registration certificate), MOT reports and service booklets. This information should be recorded in writing in the purchase contract. The two license plates must also be handed over if the buyer does not bring their own.

Please note that private sales can involve considerable risks if you want to sell a registered car. Trust in the buyer is therefore essential if you want to protect yourself from financial and legal risks. The sales contract should contain a clause that obliges the buyer to register or deregister the vehicle within a certain period of time. In most cases, the buyer is given one week to do this. If the buyer does not comply with this obligation, there is a risk of legal consequences if traffic violations occur after the car has been sold.

In order to complete the sale, in addition to handing over the license plates, an immediate notification of sale is required, which the seller must complete. This notification is required by law, unless the buyer reregisters the vehicle themselves. As long as this does not happen, the seller remains the official owner of the vehicle. It is therefore important to inform both the insurance company and the registration office of the sale in good time.

This notification results in the so-called cessation of risk. This means that the seller is no longer liable for the vehicle from this point onwards and responsibility is transferred to the buyer. The prerequisite for this is that the sale and handover have been fully and properly documented in the purchase contract, as this serves as proof for the insurance company and the authorities.

If no notification is made, the seller will continue to be liable for vehicle tax and insurance premiums. Under certain circumstances, the seller may even be held liable for accidents caused by the buyer with the unregistered car. Parking tickets can also be issued in the seller's name as long as the car sold has not yet been re-registered. As the registered keeper, the seller is then obliged to prove with the help of the sales contract that he was not the driver. Compulsory deregistration of the vehicle always involves bureaucratic effort and is also associated with additional costs of up to 300 euros.

How do I protect myself against fraud when selling my registered car?

Fraud in connection with private sales of used cars has become more common in recent years, especially on the internet. Here are some important steps you can take to protect yourself from fraud when selling your registered car:

1. Use secure payment methods: If you are selling your car to a private buyer, avoid cash transactions and consider more secure payment methods such as bank transfers or checks. This way you can track the receipt of payment and minimize fraud attempts.

2. Verify the buyer's identity: Ask for identification documents and make sure you verify the buyer's identity. Fraudsters often use fake identities to buy cars.

3. Have the purchase contract checked: Before you finalize a purchase agreement, have it reviewed by a lawyer or a trusted source. Make sure that all relevant details and agreements are included in the contract.

4. Carry out test drives safely: If the buyer wants to take a test drive, accompany them and ask to see a valid driver's license. Avoid giving your car to unknown people alone.

5. Meet in safe places: When meeting with potential buyers, choose a public, well-lit location. Avoid meeting in secluded places.

6. Be careful with foreign buyers: Be particularly vigilant when you receive offers from foreign buyers. Fraudsters from abroad can make the sales process more complex.

7. Check the payment carefully: Check each payment received carefully before handing over the car. Make sure that no check bounces or a transfer is reversed.

8. Trust your gut feeling: If something seems strange or unusual, trust your instincts and cancel the sale. It's better to be safe than to fall victim to a scam.

9. Use secure online platforms: If you want to sell your car online, use reputable platforms with built-in security measures and reviews from buyers.

10. Inform yourself about common fraud methods: Keep up to date with current scams related to car sales so you're better prepared to recognize potential threats.


Selling your car can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be. If you want to sell your car, there are best practices and security measures that can help you avoid fraud and ensure a hassle-free sale. Your safety and financial interests are your top priority. Therefore, it's important to take the necessary precautions before embarking on a car sale.

And if you are looking for a safe and convenient way to sell your car without having to deal with private buyers and the risk of fraud, then is the solution for you. Our professional service offers a safe and reliable option to sell your car in the shortest possible time. We take care of all the necessary formalities and guarantee you a stress-free experience. Get a no-obligation offer today and experience how easy selling a car can be.


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